CharityNFT for Fiscal Projects is the world’s first nonprofit NFT marketplace designed for nonprofits, fiscal projects, and donors in a supportive community:

Your nonprofit can receive donations on and sell/auction NFTs after you have been accepted by a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor. See below for details.

Charity NFT

Select from 32 Charitable Causes

You can mint, sell, and auction NFTs for fun or for profits, and you can donate 5% or more of your profits to one or more nonprofit charities of your choosing.

Discover new nonprofit charities that support one or more of the 32 causes. Make new friends who share similar interests as you.

32 Causes: Animals, Art & Culture, Cancer Research, Children, Civil Rights, Disaster, Economic Development, Education, Environment, Food & Agriculture, Gender Equality, Housing, Human Rights, Human Services, International Development, LGBTQ+, Legal Aid, Men's Health, Mental Health, Older Adults, Peace, Public Affairs, Public Safety, Religion, Reproductive Health, Sports, Substance Abuse, Veterans, Water, Wildlife, Women's Health, Youth.

Join CharityNFT

Benefits for your nonprofit

1. Higher Visibility and New Funding

All users on the platform are able to discover your nonprofit based on shared causes, and they can make donations to your nonprofit through their NFT sales and auctions. Any user can select up to 10 nonprofits (including yours) to donate to for every NFT sale or auction.

2. Increased Awareness and Donations

Your nonprofit can create NFTs to raise awareness of your causes, missions, and achievements. Unleash your creativity: An NFT can be some variations of your logo, a photo taken at your charity function, a song written by your supporter, a ticket to your fundraising event, and so on. You can sell or auction to the highest bidder your NFTs to raise funds to support your nonprofit activities and operations.

3. User (Donor) Community Building

In addition to you signing up as a nonprofit, your officers and your supporters can sign up as regular users to create NFTs for donations to your nonprofit. Moreover, users are able to find and make new friends who share similar causes and interests. As a result, you can build a community of active and engaged users (donors) to support your nonprofit’s mission.

4. Full Automation in Donation Disbursements and Receipts

Donations are automatically sent to your crypto wallet in real time, and a percentage of those donations is sent to your fiscal sponsor according to your fiscal sponsorship agreement. All 3 parties (user/donor, fiscal project, and fiscal sponsor) receive a detailed donation email receipt in real time.

Featured NFTs

Ready to sign up or have a question?

If you are ready to sign up or if you have any questions, please email us at with the following information:

(1) Your name
(2) Your CharityNFT login email address
(3) Your city, state, and country
(4) Your phone number
(5) Nonprofit project name
(6) Nonprofit mission statement
(7) Website URL (optional)
(8) LinkedIn URL (optional)
(9) Social media URLs (optional)


811 West 7th St, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90017, US

About us

Established in 2004, the Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships (IFERS) is an award-winning California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization dedicated to improving society by conducting scientific and social research as well as being a fiscal sponsor for more than 150 humanitarian projects. We believe in changing the world for the better through education, research, and scholarships. Our ultimate goal is to create a better world with lasting peace, prosperity, and universal rights for all.

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