Welcome to Fiscal Sponsorship

The award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships has supported more than 150 fiscal projects and 501(c)(3) nonprofits. With fiscal sponsorship, we can help you realize the full potential of your ideas and help your nonprofit advance your charity causes. 

Fiscal sponsorship

Established in 2004, the Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships (IFERS) is an award-winning California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization dedicated to improving society by conducting scientific and social research as well as being a fiscal sponsor for more than 150 humanitarian projects across the U.S. and worldwide.

We believe in changing the world for the better through education, research, and scholarships. Our ultimate goal is to create a better world with lasting peace, prosperity, and universal rights for all.

Since 2010, IFERS has served as a fiscal sponsor for more than 150 nonprofit projects and organizations across the United States and worldwide in the diverse mission fields of education, research, and scholarships. We have helped our fiscal projects and nonprofits raise more than $2 million USD.

We also assist fiscal projects with cryptocurrency and NFT donations through CharityNFT.org where all users can discover new projects that share their causes and interests, and make crypto and NFT donations to the new projects.

With fiscal sponsorship, we can help you realize the full potential of your ideas and help your organization advance your charity causes. By being your fiscal sponsor, your project will have the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in the United States so that you can receive tax-deductible donations and gifts from your supporters. We support Model A (Direct Project), Model B (Independent Contractor Project), and Model C (Preapproved Grant) for fiscal sponsorship. The majority of our fiscal projects are Model C.

Fiscal sponsorship

Advantages and types of 501(c)(3) nonprofits

The advantages of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit status include:

(1) 100% tax exemption from the U.S. federal, state, and local governments.
(2) Ability to solicit charitable donations from the public, private foundations, and government agencies.
(3) Donors can claim up to 100% tax deductions on their income taxes.

The types of fiscal-sponsored projects may include but are not limited to:

(1) Seasonal events such as festivals, craft demonstrations, art shows, workshops, seminars, conferences, or poetry readings.
(2) Special events for disaster reliefs and other humanitarian efforts.
(3) Long-term projects in the mission fields of education, research, and scholarships.

We also assist fiscal projects with cryptocurrency and NFT donations through CharityNFT.org:


"On behalf of EASE T1D, a fiscal project of the Institute for Education, Research and Scholarships (IFERS) since 2015, I am writing this recommendation to inform you that IFERS has been a wonderful fiscal sponsor for our Type 1 Diabetes Awareness Organization. They have been very supportive in getting our organization recognized and in mentoring us every step of the way. They are quick to respond and easy to work with. We are very grateful to Mr. Newton Lee for believing in us and for his guidance in directing our path. We highly recommend the IFERS organization." -- Debbie George, Founder, EASE T1D

EASE T1D and IFERS are featured on the California State Senate website:


"I have had the privilege of working with Professor Lee and IFERS.org for the past several years in his role as the fiscal sponsor of my organization Bonus Babies and podcast (bonusbabies.org). His guidance has been invaluable and he always responds in a timely and helpful manner. I highly recommend his participation in the fiscal sponsorship arena and look forward to working with him for many years to come." -- Jayne Amelia Larson, Founder, Bonus Babies

Contact us

Our team is happy to help you. Please email us at fiscalsponsor@ifers.org with the following information:

(1) Your name
(2) Your email address
(3) Your city, state, and country
(4) Your phone number
(5) Nonprofit project name
(6) Nonprofit mission statement
(7) Website URL (optional)
(8) LinkedIn URL (optional)
(9) Social media URLs (optional)


811 West 7th St, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90017, US

About us

Established in 2004, the Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships (IFERS) is an award-winning California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization dedicated to improving society by conducting scientific and social research as well as being a fiscal sponsor for more than 150 humanitarian projects. We believe in changing the world for the better through education, research, and scholarships. Our ultimate goal is to create a better world with lasting peace, prosperity, and universal rights for all.

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